Seated meditation, discussion, Dharma talk, and sharing all led by Ven. Thay Z.
Seated meditation, discussion, Dharma talk, and sharing all led by Ven. Thay Z.
Recovery Dharna offers a trauma-informed, empowered approach to recovery based on Buddhist principles. This program is peer-led, confidential and non-theistic. All those suffering from addiction of any type (alcohol, drugs, sex, food, relationship, etc.) are encouraged to join with others in discovering how the Buddha’s principles of living can reduce suffering. This program becomes a permanent and on-going part of our service to the community. Please spread the word that all are welcome to attend!
A light approach to the traditional teachings of The Buddha.
Leave your stress and anxiety along with your shoes at the door.
Have you wondered what Meditation is all about? Could you use the gift of peaceful and gentle practice in your week? Then you are invited to Budding Dharma Buddhist Temple in Arlington, TX for meditation and mindfulness practice.

Zen to Go – Thursdays 11 a.m. to noon
Full Service – Thursdays 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
If you’re new to meditation, you’re welcome to arrive 15 minutes early for personal instruction on meditation technique.
No need to register, just show up. This is an open invitation.
2220 Park Hill Dr
Arlington, TX
You don’t have to be a Buddhist or experienced in meditation.
Budding Dharma is an affiliate temple to Mt. Adams Buddhist Temple.